1.Why is the letter I used to represent current?
The letter I seems to be an odd choice for the English language, but it was chosen in the early days of electricity to represent intensity of current which we simply call current today. The unit of current, the ampere, is named after the French scientist André-Marie Ampère in recognition of his work on the relationship between electric current and magnetism. Ampère referred to electric current as "l'intensité du courant électrique", so I was a logical choice to represent intensité (intensity). I am grateful to Barry Caruth for suggesting a search of the internet for "Ampère" and "l'intensité du courant électrique" which returns many sites as evidence (most of them French) enabling me to answer this question with confidence.
2.What is a "short circuit"?
A "short circuit" is a connection of very low resistance such as a wire (almost 0For example: if the leads from a battery touch one another they create a very low resistance connection across the battery, so we say they have caused a short circuit across the battery. Current will flow through this short circuit rather than through the proper circuit. This stops the circuit working and it may cause a fire because the leads and battery will become hot with a large current flowing.
3.What does "open circuit" mean?
"Open circuit" means no connection. It is usually used to describe a break in some part of a circuit which could be deliberate (such as a switch in the open or off position) or a fault (such as a broken wire or burnt out component).
4.My project has a resistor labelled 47, does that mean 47k
No, it means 475.A project on another website lists a 10kW resistor! What does it mean?
It almost certainly means a 10k6.Where can I buy heatproof cable to replace the ordinary cable on my soldering iron?
Silicone heat resistant cable is sold in 1.5 metre lengths for exactly this purpose by Rapid Electronics, part number 85-0590 (look in the Soldering Equipment section). If you use another supplier make sure you buy 3-core mains flex with a current rating of 3A (the proper name for mains appliance leads is flex, not cable). Please note that to change over to the new flex you will need to borrow a second soldering iron! This is because the flex is soldered to the iron's element. Make sure that you connect the wires correctly in the iron and in the mains plug which should have a 3A fuse.7.My soldering iron was supplied with a hook, do I really need to buy a stand as well?
For safety you must buy (or make) a stand for your soldering iron. Please don't use the hook because it leaves exposed the very hot element and tip of the iron - it is too easy to accidentally touch them and burn yourself. If you can't afford to buy a stand you could try making your own with a spiral of stiff galvanised iron wire (a coat-hanger?) screwed to a block of wood. Ideally the stand should include a damp sponge for safely wiping the tip of the iron when it needs cleaning.8. What component has a black stripe in the centre (it looks like a diode)?
A small component about the size of a resistor or signal diode with a single black stripe in the centre is a zero-ohm resistor, it is really just a wire link. These components are used on commercial PCBs because they are easier for machines to handle than small pieces of wire. The single black stripe is logical because it means zero in the resistor colour code. Ordinary resistors have at least four stripes. Diodes have a single stripe near one end, not in the centre.
9.How do I choose a relay to use with one of our projects?
The 555 timer IC used in many projects can supply current up to 200mA so it can power most relays directly. However, you must connect a signal diode (a 1N4148 for example) in parallel across the relay coil to protect the 555. Note that this diode is connected 'backwards' so that it will normally not conduct.
10.I want to use a large number of LEDs, do I need a resistor for each one?
No, you can usually connect a few LEDs of the same type in series and just use one resistor. The number of LEDs you can connect in series depends on the circuit's supply voltage. This arrangement has the advantage of reducing the total current required by the circuit.
If you wish to have several LEDs on at the same time it may be possible to connect them in series. This prolongs battery life by lighting several LEDs with the same current as just one LED.
All the LEDs connected in series pass the same current so it is best if they are all the same type. The power supply must have sufficient voltage to provide about 2V for each LED (4V for blue and white) plus at least another 2V for the resistor. To work out a value for the resistor you must add up all the LED voltages and use this for VL.
Example calculations:
A red, a yellow and a green LED in series need a supply voltage of at least 3 × 2V + 2V = 8V, so a 9V battery would be ideal.
VL = 2V + 2V + 2V = 6V (the three LED voltages added up).
If the supply voltage VS is 9V and the current I must be 15mA = 0.015A,
Resistor R = (VS - VL) / I = (9 - 6) / 0.015 = 3 / 0.015 = 200
so choose R = 220
(the nearest standard value which is greater).
11.What is a Darlington pair?
A Darlington pair is two transistors connected together so that the current amplified by the first is further amplified by the second transistor, giving a very high gain of 10000 or so.
12.What does 'sinking a current' mean?
It means current is flowing into the output of an IC. This happens when the output is low (0V) if there is a device connected between the positive supply (+Vs) and the output. It is the opposite of sourcing a current which means current is flowing out of the output. Most IC outputs can both sink and source current.
13.Are 'time period' and 'time constant' the same thing?
No, they have different meanings although both are time. Time period is the duration of a single pulse or the time for one cycle of a repeating electrical signal. Time constant is a property of a changing system, such as a capacitor charging and discharging.
14.What does 'SMD' mean?
'SMD' means Surface Mount Device. SMDs are components with small pads instead of leads for their contacts. They are designed for soldering by machine onto specially designed PCBs and are not suitable for educational or hobby circuits constructed on breadboard or stripboard. Do not buy SMD components for your projects.
15.I'm interested in electronics, where should I start?
I suggest that you start with a few simple projects, learning how to solder and how to identify the common components. You will need some tools to construct the projects. It is best to buy kits to be sure you have the correct parts.
Many people then want to start learning how the circuits work and maybe try designing their own, usually by adapting a published circuit. You can read through the study section of this website. At this stage it is worth buying a breadboard for trying out circuits without soldering so that changes can be easily made and the parts re-used. The 555 timer circuits are great for simple projects.
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